Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Long time no update

Hey everyone, I havent been writing about my braces in a long time lemme fill you in on whats good.Well, its 10months almost a year, the time actually flys by sometimes you dont even know you still have them on.Honestly there has been alot of changes in the past few months. Heres my most recent picture:

As you can see my bottom layer teeth are straiightt and my top teeth are getting there both of those teeth have came down from my gums and my tooth that was far back is not back there anymore just a little part on thetop of it is just underneath so that should be corrected within the next two appts my next appointment is october 7th and my cleaning is october some day close to that date after that one ^^ lol.I got clear rubber bands on my bottom teeth now i think thats what there called atleast i have like two poking things on my top teeth which i dont have to worry about because my next appointment is coming up yayyy!